A munkamenet lejárt, jelentkezzen be újra.
  • 1 minute by foot to the nearest Bus stop Bus : 69, 80, 82, 87, 92 2 minutes by foot to the nearest Metro station (Underground) Métro : Ecole Militaire 10 minutes by foot to the nearest RER station RER : Pont de l’Alma If you are coming by car, the Joffre parking station, open 24/7, is located place de l’Ecole Militaire. Airports of Paris : Paris Charles de Gaulle (Distance 30km) and Paris Orly (Distance 20km) -Taxi between 45€ and 70€ (1 way). The rate depends on the number of luggage and the traffic. -We can organise for you to be picked-up from the airport: about 44€ for two people (1 way). Do not hesitate to contact us. -Bus + Underground: Take the Air France bus until Opéra. Then take the metro line 8 direction Balard and stop at Ecole Militaire station.