You can access our hotel via:
Zwierzyniecka Street,
Pi³sudskiego Street,
Straszewskiego Street,
Poselska Street
Parking options:
Car park between the Municipal Office and Franciscan Church Wszystkich Œwiêtych Square
- 250 m,
Car park in front of Wawel Castle, Powiœle Street - 500 m
Distance to major historic sites:
Main Market Square - 300 m
Wawel Castle - 250 m
You can access our hotel via:
Zwierzyniecka Street,
Pi³sudskiego Street,
Straszewskiego Street,
Poselska Street
Parking options:
Car park between the Municipal Office and Franciscan Church Wszystkich Œwiêtych Square
- 250 m,
Car park in front of Wawel Castle, Powiœle Street - 500 m
Distance to major historic sites:
Main Market Square - 300 m
Wawel Castle - 250 m