Booking details
Wed 17 Apr 2024
Sat 20 Apr 2024
Total length of stay:
3 nights

Rooms selected:
1 x 2 person suite
Price summary
1 room
TRY 0.00
Cancellation cost
Cancellation is possible until any time of day 30 days prior to the check-in date without penalty.
Cancellation from any time of day 29 days prior to the check-in date until 12 midday 15 days prior to the check-in date, will incur a penalty of 15% of the reservation total.
Cancellation after 12 midday 15 days prior to the check-in date until any time of day 2 days prior to the check-in date, will incur a penalty of 25% of the reservation total.
A no-show or a cancellation from any time of day 1 day prior to the check-in date onwards, will incur a penalty of 50% of the reservation total.
Card will be used to guarantee the booking.