The Hotel is in the Historical Center, taking SE-30 to Merida Road, you will arrive to Puente del Alamillo, turn left to Puente de la Barqueta and then you will turn left again by Calatrava Street to Alameda de Hércules.Indication GPS:Amor de Dios street number 36
The Hotel is in the Historical Center, taking SE-30 to Merida Road, you will arrive to Puente del Alamillo, turn left to Puente de la Barqueta and then you will turn left again by Calatrava Street to Alameda de Hércules.Indication GPS:Amor de Dios street number 36
From Airport: A-4/E-5 to Sevilla Centro - Merida (during 7,5km). Exit 537 to Merida. Continue on Ronda Urbana Norte during 0,7km. Turn right to Ronda de Circunvalacion SE-30 until you see the firts bridge on the right (Puente del Alamillo). On this roundabout turn left. Go on until next roundabout. Turn left into Calatrava St. Straight on into Alameda de Hércules. At the end go on into Trajano St. The 1st on the left into Delgado St. In front is Morgado St. and the Hotel entrance. Gps Direction:Amor de Dios, 36
From Airport: A-4/E-5 to Sevilla Centro - Merida (during 7,5km). Exit 537 to Merida. Continue on Ronda Urbana Norte during 0,7km. Turn right to Ronda de Circunvalacion SE-30 until you see the firts bridge on the right (Puente del Alamillo). On this roundabout turn left. Go on until next roundabout. Turn left into Calatrava St. Straight on into Alameda de Hércules. At the end go on into Trajano St. The 1st on the left into Delgado St. In front is Morgado St. and the Hotel entrance. Gps Direction:Amor de Dios, 36