Oturumunuzun süresi doldu, lütfen tekrar giriş yapın.

Hotel Regente  

Mesoneros Romanos, 9, 28013


The Hotel Regente is a Hotel of great comfort and with a traditional decoration, Located in the Gran Vía, in the centre of the city. It is surrounded by big commercial areas, shops and theatres, and only 2 minutes away from several subway stations and the main bus lines. It is also very near of Palacio Real and Teatro Real. The Hotel offers, among other services, the flamenco show "Torre Bermejas",for an unforgettable Andalusian gipsy night, and Parking agreed for the clients.

  • Park
  • Tolpanti ve konferarans odalari
  • Internet girisi
  • Alarm saati
  • Faks
  • Restorant
  • Oda servisi
  • Bar
  • Bebek yatagi
  • Sehir Merkezi

- Giris yapmadan 1 gün önce (check-in) günun her hangi bir saatine kadar yapilirsa, cezasi yoktur.

- Bir iptal bu saatten sonra veya giris yapilmamissa (no-show) 1 gecelik cezaya tabidir.

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